Kamis, 25 November 2010

Saturday Promo

We will give you discount 30% for Room, 15 % for food and beverage for ALL DAY LONG only on Saturday..So what are you waiting for? Lets join us and get Saturday night fever!!

For further info and reservation you can call Novi at +6287888760811 or (+6221) 25556626      

Happy Hour

For you who want to relieve your stress while waiting traffic and 3 in 1 after office hour, we've got Happy Hour promo for you.

Every Monday to Friday from 11 AM to 5 PM
You will get special 50 % off for Room, 20 % Food and Beverage, 10% Alcohol discount 

For further info and reservation you can call Novi at +6287888760811 or (+6221) 2556626